> Creating the right tech stack in a coworking space is critical to keeping yourself sane, creating time for strategic work for you and your team, and to creating a positive, friction-free experience for your members.
> Being committed to the core parts of your business that automate your processes as well as keep things like onboarding and conference room reservations simple for members are what separates the good from the great coworking businesses.
That being said, the tech and tools aspect of opening and running a coworking space is one of the most overwhelming for many operators.
I’ve been there myself and I work with operators like you each and every month to make sure they don’t get stuck in the land of…
...analysis paralysis!
I can tell you’re trying to stay focused, make the right decisions and keep moving!
This episode walks through the just-released 2018 Coworking Tech and Tools Guide which you can download here.