A recent question asked in the Everything Coworking Facebook Group was “How big should my coworking space be?”
I think one of the most challenging aspects of getting started on the journey to opening a coworking space is understanding a few fundamentals. One of the first questions a lot of people ask, and this question came up recently in the Facebook Group - is “How big should my coworking space be?"
In this episode, I want to help with how to think about the space that you are going to create using a high level framework that takes into account financial goals, startup resources, and market demand.
Key Performance Indicators, or “KPIs”, are metrics that you may want to consider tracking for your business.
As Yogi Berra’s famous quote says: “If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll probably end up somewhere else.”
As a business owner, you want to set goals and then create simple metrics that flow into dashboards that make it easy for you and your team to track progress against those goals/targets. You can download the Coworking KPI list here that I reviewed on this week’s episode.
See the full show notes for tips on setting yourself up for success as you set up your KPI tracking and review process.